Color Wavelength:
Lilac Petal

As we swan dive into spring, we are faced with the most sweeping transformation of the year. Thaw turns to sprout, sprout to blossom, and blossom to bloom. How to evoke this delicate shift in one’s wardrobe? Off the heels of February’s brilliant reds and flirty pinks, one color comes to mind: Lilac Petal. Lilacs, or Syringa vulgaris, are a garden favorite naturally found at the fringes of human habitation. This history and the subtlety of the shade itself evoke an understated womanhood with a creamy finish of confidence.

At String Code, we utilize this color in a collared cropped knit polo, bringing an unexpected whimsy to an otherwise preppy classic top. The unique tie neckline harkens to the fluidity and softness of plant life, proving that you can evoke the natural world without even a hint of green. French lavender, too, for all its rustic and regal charm, shares this wispy purple root with lilac.

Other ways we love Lilac: dewdrop-like jewelry, shimmery eyeshadow, long flowing dresses, and inviting home decor.
If this is your shade of the season, we’d love to see.

 Share your springtime style with us on Instagram at @thestringcode and we’ll stride into the season of grace together!

About Color Wavelengths:

Just as a “string code” represents data translated for human understanding, wavelengths of light are visible as color. Human life has always been informed by color; each culture is informed by strong associations with each shade. Color also plays an important role in memory: even minor shade differences can unlodge a long-forgotten moment in time. At String Code we believe that color is an essential building block of human connection. By learning to express yourself through style, you can use color to project a certain message to the world.